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即時解僱, 代通支金問題

by @, Wednesday, February 05, 2014, 01:14 (3731 天前)

我在11月12日入職, 試用期為1個月, 月薪為11000元
可是過了試用期1個月, 仍然沒有新的合同,
直至1月13日放工後, 收到通知即時解僱我,
並說: I will calculate your salary + payment in lieu of notice and release before this month end.


Termination of Appointment
Within 1 month of probation period, this appointment subject to termination by either party by giving 1 day notice in writing to the other party, or by payment of 1 day wages in lieu of such notice.

After 1 month of probation period, this appointment subject to termination by either party by giving 1 months's notice in writing to the other party, or by payment of 1 month's wages in lieu of such notice.

請問我過了1個月試用期, 我的代通支金是否是1個月?

我想知道我應該收到的總數是多少? 是$15000元嗎? 感謝


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